Upleveling your birth business is as easy as 1-2-3!

1. Know your stuff

2. Impart your knowledge

3. Provide exceptional client care

🤔 But... what if you know what to do, but you just can't explain why?

And what if that gap is making it harder to guide your clients? (Which in turn makes it awkward to ask for referrals?)

I'm Francie (IBCLC, Doula Trainer, founder of Go Milk Yourself). And I've got your back!


21 Science Concepts to


Your Client Care

A FREE resource that'll help you as you help clients optimize their experiences!

In this guide, you’ll find some of my favorite science lessons!

You'll learn about anatomy, physics, endocrinology, molecular biology, psychology, physiology, and chemistry.

And even though you won't get a degree (those are B.S. anyway 😉), you WILL make a difference for your clients!

From pregnancy, through birth, and into lactation... Welcome to a new level of effective client care!

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